Back to school: Boost your children’s immunity with salt therapy

Back to school: Boost your children’s immunity with salt therapy

Back to school: Boost your children’s immunity with salt therapy 1200 800 INHALEUM

The end of August is an ordinary time for most people, but for schoolchildren and their parents, it’s often a time of both anticipation and worry. Summer vacation ends, and a new school year begins. And with it comes the risk of children bringing home colds or other illnesses. In crowded school buildings, where children gather and share space for several hours a day, viruses and bacteria spread very easily.

Salt therapy, also known as halotherapy, is an effective way to boost children’s immune systems and reduce their risk of illness. During therapy, children are in a closed room where the floor is covered with a layer of salt and there are toys. A halogenerator disperses microscopic salt particles into the air of this space, which children inhale while playing.

“Salt therapy is a great way to combine therapy with fun and relaxation. That’s why it’s very popular with children. During therapy, they play undisturbed in the salt, unaware that they are simultaneously strengthening their immune systems and improving their health. Parents, meanwhile, can relax in relaxing chairs or play with their children.”

Salt particles penetrate deep into the respiratory tract, where they help break down bacteria and other harmful substances while also removing mucus from the respiratory tract. This effectively cleanses the airways and relieves respiratory problems. Salt therapy is also used for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce inflammation, which is at the root of most respiratory and skin diseases.

Salt therapy is a fun and relaxing experience for children that helps boost their immunity and protects the whole family from illness. So don’t wait until your children are sick and prepare them for the upcoming school year.

Reserve a salt therapy session today and let the salt aerosols work for you. Book a session >>