Does your salt therapy provider adhere to industry standards?

Does your salt therapy provider adhere to industry standards?

Does your salt therapy provider adhere to industry standards? 1200 800 INHALEUM

The popularity of halotherapy, also known as dry salt therapy, has been steadily growing in recent years due to its ability to help people worldwide alleviate symptoms of various respiratory and skin conditions. However, not all facilities offer truly effective and safe halotherapy. Therefore, the Salt Therapy Association (STA), a non-profit organization in the United States, has established industry standards for halotherapy providers. Does your salt cave or wellness center adhere to these standards?

Key points of salt therapy standards

For genuine halotherapy, it is essential to use only pure pharmaceutical-grade sodium chloride that is certified for purity and quality. This ensures that the salt used is safe and effective in alleviating symptoms of respiratory and skin problems.

Learn how dry salt helps alleviate symptoms of various diseases, boost the immune system, and contribute to your overall well-being. Health benefits of salt therapy >>

Sodium chloride, or dry salt, is inserted into a specialized device called a halogenerator, which grinds it into microscopic particles smaller than 5 microns. The smaller these salt particles are, the deeper they can penetrate the respiratory system and skin.

These miniature particles are then evenly dispersed into an enclosed space, such as a specialized room, cabin, or other type of chamber, which must be regularly ventilated. This ensures the optimal salt concentration to achieve the desired effectiveness of halotherapy. The minimum duration of therapy typically ranges from 10 to 45 minutes and is determined based on the cubic volume of this space.

Halotherapy customers often seek out the aesthetically pleasing environment enhanced by salt on the walls and floor or through various salt architectural or decorative elements. However, these aesthetic additions merely create a pleasant and relaxing atmosphere. Unlike a halogenerator, they do not provide any direct therapeutic benefits and do not emit negative ions, even when heated.

Finally, according to STA standards, it is prohibited to claim that halotherapy is a cure for any health condition, declare therapeutic effects, or provide misleading statements to customers that could mistakenly motivate them to participate in halotherapy. While halotherapy can significantly help alleviate the symptoms of various health problems, it does not replace doctor-recommended treatment and prescribed medications.

INHALEUM: Ensuring quality and safety

We are proud to adhere to all salt therapy industry standards in our studio to provide our clients with safe and effective halotherapy. We use a professional halogenerator and pharmaceutical-grade sodium chloride, and halotherapy takes place in a ventilated, enclosed space that meets all safety standards. Additionally, we provide our clients with only truthful and understandable information about halotherapy.

Do not hesitate to try halotherapy at our studio. Reserve your visit >>

Recommendation in conclusion

Halotherapy can be an effective method for alleviating symptoms of respiratory and skin conditions. Therefore, always choose reliable facilities that use professional halogenerators for your halotherapy sessions. This is the only way to be sure that you are receiving genuine halotherapy with benefits for your health.